Przedsiębiorstwo PREXER Sp. z o.o.

TARGET SIGHTS for anti-aircraft rocket-artillery sets

TARGET SIGHTS for machine guns





Products::Observation devices::OPO-170N periscope

The OPO-170N observation device is a new generation periscope which combines classic functions of a day observation periscope and night vision observation device and enables observation in bad visibility conditions. The OPO-170N is one device which can be used at day as well as at night whithout the neccessity of disassembling day and night unit depending on the visibility and light conditions.

The OPO-170N periscope is equipped with high quality passive night vision module, heated windows and has the optical system, which transmits light in the visible band and absorbs the laser light wave of the lenght 800-1200 nm.

The OPO-170N is designed for assembly in tanks, combat cars, armoured vehicles, etc.

Basic tactical and technical data

Angle of vision in vertical plane 23o
Angle of vision in horizontal plane 94o
Visible light transmittance ≥ 30%
Periscoposity [P] 162 mm
Absorption of the laser light wave of length 800 ÷ 1200 nm
Absorption of laser light in band (800 ÷ 1200 nm) ≥ 104
Angle of vision of the night sight 30o
Magnification of the night sight 1x
Dimensions: height x width 231 x 204 mm
Dimensions of the fastening hole 196 x 45 mm
Height of the top part of the periscope 101 mm
Voltage of supply 27 V

Basic tactical
and technical data:

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